Sosiologi Kontemporer Pdf
The Sosiologi Konflik dan Isu-Isu Konflik Kontemporer book is published by Kencana (Prenada Media Group). Consisted of 272 pages + xiii with six chapters: Chapter I. Methodology of Social Sciences, Chapter II. Classic Conflict Sociology Theory, chapter III. Contemporary Conflict Sociology Theory, chapter IV. Violence and Peace, chapter V. Examples of Conflict Analysis and Chapter VI. Contemporary Conflict Issues. In the book, Novri summarized various conflict examples such as ethnic and religious conflict, regional autonomy conflict, Aceh conflict, etc.
Sosiologi Kontemporer Pdf
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Referensi Beteille, Andre (editor). 1978. Social Inequality. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin Books. Calhoun, Craig, (editor). 2005. Contemporary Sociological Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. Ritzer, George dan Douglas J. Goodman. 2008. Teori Sosiologi Moderen. Edisi ke 6. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group. Wright, Erik Olin. 2000. Class Counts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pada tahun 2025 menjadi program doktor ilmu sosiologi yang unggul dan berstandar internasional serta ikut berperan dalam pembangunan budaya masyarakat lokal melalui proses pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat
Novri Susan, MA, PhD Candidate in Sociology Department, Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences. Her research interests are sociology, gender and the media. She has been involved in research on gender and violence since she obtained her doctorate (Ph.D) in 2011. She is also a postgraduate student of State University of Trieste, Italy. Her publications include articles in literature. In this event, Novri is going to discuss the topic, Sosiologi Konflik dan Isu-Isu Konflik Kontemporer.