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The BCRC is responsible for ensuring that Medicare gets repaid for any conditional payments it makes. A conditional payment is a payment Medicare makes for services another payer may be responsible for. Medicare makes this conditional payment so you will not have to use your own money to pay the bill. The payment is "conditional" because it must be repaid to Medicare when a settlement, judgment, award, or other payment is made. For information on when to contact the BCRC for assistance with Medicare recovery, click the Non-Group Health Plan Recovery link. This link can also be used to access additional information and downloads pertaining to NGHP Recovery.
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Rural Australians for Refugees Bendigo Branch reports that the two Hazara Afghani refugee families sponsored by their CRISP (Community Refugee Integration Support Pilot) Team are now busy settling into their new lives in Bendigo. Their CRISP Team is now preparing for a third family who is waiting in Iran, a Hazara widow and her two teenage sons who are expected to arrive in Australia in a month or so.
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Since summer 2012, adults are able to enroll their children in the program online, and access the standup book from the GLAR webpage. The classified bibliography of recent picture books, organized by early literacy skill, is available for download.
In addition to child development specialists and bankers in the community, GLAR was a project that involved the library system at every level. There was extraordinary administrative and financial support from PLS Executive Director Anne Masters for every phase of the project. Her support of GLAR allowed the program to be established and to flourish.
Scorch is two separate installation files. The plugin installer and the sound bank. The sound installer is over 7GB of high-quality sounds. You will need a .rar compatible extractor to open the file. We suggest using 7-Zip for Windows and Unarchiver for Mac. We recommend installing the plugin while the sounds download. Please refer to the manual for a more in-depth overview of the installation process.
The Errant Venture had fled the engagement over the Five Worlds and had set up shop in the Coruscant system, with Rar and Lavint still aboard. Unbeknownst to Rar, however, a holocam had recorded her in the corridors outside the Maw Casino and transferred this information to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant several days after the events in the Corellian system. There, the Alema Rar Task Force, consisting of Zekk, Jaina Solo, and Jagged Fel, received the data and departed the surface of the galactic capital for the nearby Errant Venture. They were shortly thereafter joined by the Solos, who returned to the Star Destroyer from Gyndine. Rar detected Leia Organa Solo's presence clearly and grew excited at the prospect of righting the Balance. Meeting with Lavint briefly in the cabin, Rar assured her partner that their deal was concluded, aware that Lavint was still a potential target for elimination if her plans went awry. The ex-Jedi made her way to a data kiosk to download information on recent arrivals to the Errant Venture.[28]
With Jaina Solo, Zekk, and Fel still tracking her movements, Rar knew that she had to act quickly at Ossus. She left the Meditation Sphere in a ravine and made her way to the Jedi Academy. Once there, Rar was surprised to discover that Jacen Solo had dispatched a complement of Galactic Alliance Guard soldiers to secure the academy in order to gain leverage over the Jedi Order. The Twi'lek felt that this made her mission to help Solo all the more pertinent, as in her opinion he was already blundering. Distracting the guards in the Ossus library, Rar downloaded all data on Sith Meditation Spheres to her datapad. Much of the limited information was already known to her, but the fact that the vessel was a powerful tool for the art of battle meditation, with which one could turn the tides of engagements, was news to the Twi'lek. Rar set off back through the forests to the ravine and ordered the Meditation Sphere to take her back to Lumiya's asteroid hideout in the Kanz sector.[13]
Heartened that the Sith themselves, not their artifacts, would aid Solo, Rar ordered the Meditation Sphere to follow the coordinates. On arrival at Korriban, the ancestral homeworld of the Sith species, Rar was disappointed. She had long known of the world, travel to which had been made extremely difficult following Luke Skywalker's attempt to have it erased from the Jedi Order's navigation banks. A dilapidated spaceport and an equally run-down village consisted of the only population center on the planet. Rar decided to try her luck anyway and interrogated a motley ground crew for the location of the Sith. Skeptical that they were to be found in the Valley of the Dark Lords, or even on the world at all, Rar nevertheless set off on a swoop which she appropriated from one of the workers and set out across the wastes.[13]
The events Rar witnessed during the war imbued her personality with a savage edge. Although alarmed by Jaina Solo's use of Force lightning during the Mission to Myrkr, Rar was greatly impressed by Lomi Plo's lethal Force web technique on the Baanu Rass and enjoyed the killing in which she took part later during the mission,[1] as well as during the Borleias campaign.[18] The Twi'lek became a ferocious fighter.[7] Once she had fallen under the influence of the Gorog nest, Rar's enjoyment of killing and savagery in battle were magnified.[8] The lives of those whom she fought alongside became meaningless to Rar.[8][25] Her anger and bitterness fostered a desire to "teach lessons" to her opponents and eventually led her to target individuals who had caused her slight offense or who were entirely innocent.[3][8][9] Vengeance motivated Rar to survive and, molded by a personal philosophy of the Twi'lek's own construction, became a focal point of her existence.[3][10]
The fallen Jedi's other signature weapon, following her two years in the Tenupian jungle, was her blowgun and poison darts.[3] Rar obtained many of her toxins from her time on Tenupe, most notably a small amount of Tenupian flesh-eating bacteria, which she gave to the Togorian Morto as a "salve" for the poison-induced pain she had inflicted upon his leg.[9] She utilized powerful poisons to eliminate her enemy, one dart containing enough to eliminate the World Brain on Coruscant and assumed by her to be fatal to an extremely powerful Jedi such as Jacen Solo. The poison rapidly eliminated any beings unfortunate enough to be hit by the darts.[3][28]
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